Thursday, March 28, 2013

Cinnamon Rolls

Have you ever walked through a mall food court and stopped dead in your tracks from the amazing smell coming from Cinnabon? Yeah, us too. Our recipe is as close to a Cinnabon roll as we could get. It's sinfully rich, in fact, we couldn't finish a whole roll on our own!

Homemade cinnamon rolls may seem complicated, but anyone can do it. There are three sections to this recipe. One is the dough, the filling and the icing. Enjoy!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013


Just like the title of this post implies, this is a recipe for brownies, plain and simple. We promise we'll get into more complicated desserts, but we've still got a few simple desserts to cover first. One of those simple recipes is this one for brownies. We think we've found the perfect recipe for homemade brownies because it has a short list of ingredients, easy instructions and tastes great.

This recipe is not much more difficult that baking brownies from a box, but the pay off is huge. You can brag to your friends and family that you baked brownies from scratch which is way more impressive than the box, just don't tell them how easy it was! That shouldn't be too difficult because all they will be able to say  is that these brownies are chewy, dense and uber chocolate-y!

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Super Soft Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies

What would a baking blog be without a post about cookies? We start with a Super Soft Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookie. It's heavier on the chocolate than it is oats, but feel free to adjust to your tastes.

Before you gander at the recipe note that that in order to get a super chewy cookie the dough has to be moist even after it has been baked and cooled. That being said, this recipe is heavy on wet ingredients, yet is the normal consistency when the dough is ready to be scooped onto the cookie sheets. Seems counter intuitive, or at least it did to us, but seriously this cookie is perfectly chewy and moist. If anything could give us diabetes it would be these cookies because you can't have just one.